Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's an Addendum?

In one of my previous post's I mentioned including an addendum in your law school application.  You are probably asking, "what's an addendum?"  An addendum is an optional supplementary document you can include in your application.  According to a law school advisor I have consulted, it is a bit risky to include. 
It is risky because it must include information addressing a weakness in your application.  For example, explaining a bad grade in a class or why your LSAT score is low and should not be the determining factor for your acceptance.

If you choose to include an addendum, it should not be longer than one page and should be carefully thought out.  Do not include an addendum just because you want extra space to write or add to your personal statement.  Your addendum must include supplementary compelling information that would be important for admissions to note.

Remember that depending on the school, admissions may or may not read your addendum.  The whole law school application process is really a gamble and there is no recipe for a guaranteed admittance. wrote a very helpful explanation for what exactly an addendum is and can be found here.

Before you submit your application, be sure to let another set of fresh eyes to review the writing portions of your application (personal statement/resume/addendum).  You are applying to a professional institution! They expect you to write professionally and error free!

Good luck with your application process!

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below!

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